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Hello 2019!

I’ve made it a tradition to share some of my favorite photographs from the previous year as we begin a new one. And every year it seems harder to me. To narrow down the thousands of images from some of the happiest moments in people’s lives. So I try to keep my guiding principles in mind.

I want the photographs I create for people to hold emotion. I want you to be able to look at this photograph in 10, 20, or 50 years and remember how you felt in that moment. How it felt to dance with your new spouse for the first time under twinkle lights, how it felt to swing your two-year-old in the air outside on a warm August morning, how it felt to hold hands but not see each other just moments before you said “I do”, or how it felt when your firstborn met their new sibling for the very first time.

I want the photographs I create for people to be reflective of who they are. I want to document the same hug you give each other day in and day out so you can see how that looks. I want to document where your baby’s hands are when he falls peacefully to sleep (they might be that way every time he falls asleep for many years!). And I want to document your favorites places, your favorite routines, your favorite people.

And I want the photographs I create to be timeless. When you’re digging through your boxes of photos in 50 years (C’mon, guys, print your photos! Free your JPEGs!) I want you to love them just as you would today.

So, using those guides, I present to you 336 of my favorite photographs from last year. There are so many others I wish I could include but I’m pretty sure no one will  scroll through even 336 so I decided to cut it off somewhere. 2018 was wonderful. It was a whirlwind. It was full of firsts – the first wedding at Jefferson Market, the first wedding ceremony at Raven’s Club, the first and only wedding reception at the University of Michigan North Quad Dining Hall, and I think the first wedding at Green Things Farm. It was the first time I got to photograph a newborn in a hammock! I loved 2018 so much. Thank you to the wonderful people who trusted me to document their important moments. It was an honor and a joy.

Happy 2019!

You can see previous years’ favorites here: 2017201620152014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

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